Hi Sir,
Thank you for your great treatment and your kind support in bringing my child to normal life… I am a physiotherapist, i was worried so much regarding my son’s health in the year 2014, because at that time he was not a normal one and a half year old kid, he did not recognize me, a pediatric neurologist suggested me to take him to occupational therapy, because he was hyperactive, some how i came to know about the GFCF diet through my seniors and i put him in that diet strictly.
Even after following that diet for one year his hyperactivity was little bit reduced, at the age of two and a half years old , he would speak but it was irrelevant. when we ask any question he would repeat the question rather than answering to it.
In the year 2015 i was searching for the best autism treatment in India, then i came to know about Dr.Ketan patel and his speciality homeopathy treatment, In net itself i could see so many positive remarks about sir in many forums, then i spoke to doctor via phone and i showed him my son via skype, then doctor also insisted GFCF diet, and he gave medicines for four months.
In the first four months itself we could see drastic changes in my son’s health and behavior, he started answering to questions properly and he started telling stories in a proper sequence, his hyperactivity is also reduced.
After four months of medicine i took my son to meet Doctor, he suggested us to put him in normal school.he started going to school, but he would not sit in one place in class.
After eight months of treatment, i took him to a family function, where he enjoyed with every one, usually he cries in a function hall so that i come back immediately from a function hall ,this time he was fine and enjoyed in function , his socialisation has improved very well.
After twelve months of treatment, he started sitting in class room and he started listening to teacher’s commands , he himself shows interest in doing homework, he started reciting even the toughest slokas, Doctor suggested us to stop medicines for him and to continue the GFCF diet.
After giving up the medicine for more than ten months he is fine in his routine, now Doctor has advised us to give all food items without restriction.i would like to thank Dr.Ketan Patel for his marvellous treatment and for his great support. Thank you sir, thank you so much.