Dyslexia, Learning Disability, Learning Difficulties, Slow Learners. The most common type of learning disability is Dyslexia, disparity between intellectual potential and achievement in reading and spelling means a learning disability in which someone has trouble understanding the written word. Dyslexia is sometimes called the “invisible disability” because no one knows a person has it unless that person is asked to read or write. These consequences includes problems in reading comprehension and affects reading experience and vocabulary.
Dyslexia is a brain-based type of learning disability that specifically impairs a person’s ability to read. These individuals typically read at levels significantly lower than expected despite having normal intelligence. Although the disorder varies from person to person, common characteristics among people with dyslexia are difficulty with phonological processing (the manipulation of sounds) and/or rapid visual-verbal responding.
For those with dyslexia, the prognosis is mixed. The disability affects such a wide range of people, producing different symptoms and varying degrees of severity, that predictions are hard to make. The prognosis is generally good, however, for individuals whose dyslexia is identified early, who have supportive family and friends and a strong self-image, and who are involved in a proper remediation program.
Learning disabilities aren’t contagious, but they can be genetic. That means they can be passed down in families through the genes, like many other traits we get from our parents and grandparents. Someone with a learning disability probably has other family members who have had some learning troubles, too – parents or siblings, for example.
Inconsistent / Uncompleted school work leads to downward trend in achievement test scores or school performance. Child shows Difficulty in naming colors, objects, and letters rapidly, in a sequence. Teacher have to work very hard to teach concepts, many times they have to teach. Weakness of Memory for lists, directions, or facts, colors, objects, and letters rapidly, in a sequence also for lists, directions, or facts.
Other associated conditions are Dyscalculia (Mathematical Disabilities in adding, Dividing, Multiplying, Before Number, After Number ..) Dyspraxia (Motor Learning Disabilities) and Dysgraphia (poor visual gestalt / orthographic coding ).
Allopathic and other systems don’t have effective treatment, but homeopathy has the best treatment for it. We, at our center, have treated many dyslexic children successfully. Homeopathy cures all conditions associated with Dyslexia.
In normal course, it takes 1 to 2 months for appreciable improvements, and 8 to 10 months to clear it completely.
It is easy to take. Sweet pills and drops. No cumbersome loading of syrups or decoctions. It has no side effects.
It improves schooling scores so the child picks up in the studies.